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Asmaa - Brink's Morocco

We took some time out to find out a little bit about Asmaa, from Brink’s Morrocco, who works in the finance operations team. Here’s what she had to say about her experience at Brink’s….

When did you join Brink’s?

11 years ago. In 2012-2014, I had my first experience as an accountant when I first came to work for Brink’s. I was a General Accountant. In 2016, I was promoted and became a General Accounts Supervisor. In 2019, I was promoted again and became the SOX Coordinator and Financial Planning Analyst, working in internal audit.

What have been your highlights so far?

The team at Brink’s! It’s like one big family. We respect each other and enjoy working together. The culture at Brink’s is different. I have freedom to do what I have to do. Brink’s allows me to work on my own and take responsibility.

Why do you continue to work for Brink’s?

I continue to grow here. I have had lots of opportunities to do take on new roles and I see the growth and evolution of my career. Why would I search for another company when I get the opportunities that I want right here?

You’ve been selected for the company’s internal development scheme. How are you finding the Future Leaders Programme?

The teaching is amazing. It was more than I expected.

What did you find particularly helpful or enjoyable on the Future Leaders Programme?

The programme’s kickoff event in the Netherlands was amazing. I really liked the Franklin Covey section, which taught us about leadership and management. It teaches you skills that you need to know for work, and the videos were very good. Finance was obviously interesting for me! 

At Brink’s you’ve been provided with a Mentor to support you in your professional development. What are your thoughts on the mentor programme?

It was good to learn from someone in a different department. She is a Morroccan woman too, and so we understood each other’s culture well.